When I was a little girl I remember seeing my first hot air balloon floating quietly through the summer sky. It was such a magical sight for small eyes! “Where is it going? What far off enchanted world could it take me too?” My imagination soared even higher when I saw Wizard of Oz for the first time. Dorothy was so lucky she didn't miss that flight of a lifetime!
Love Love Love the Wizard of Oz! |
A little Hot Air Balloon History:
The 1783 Montgolfier hot-air balloon. Photo courtesy of Wright Brothers |
In my more realistic world I've decided to pay homage to the most romantic, silently beautiful form of transportation I know. This fall I will be making 3 miniature models for our fall window display. The complete DIY details will be shared with all of you but for now my lovelies a sneak peek at the inspiration behind my fairy tale madness.
Use your imagination and take flight with me… Up Up & Away!
Antique Renderings: Photo Source Unknown |
Gordon Bennett Race 1933. Courtesy of Young Eagles |
The first balloon wedding took place in 1865. Read the hilarious story at Afflictor.com |
An old photo courtesy of Balloon Festival Hotels |
Creative Curator